Climate action is an American obligation.
Our promise to fix.
Climate Change is a threat to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness - our institutions, communities, and leaders have not adequately acted to protect these freedoms in light of this information. The nation's youth are anxious, depressed, powerless, and desperate to find a working solution that catalyzes movement against an existential threat.
To that we ask -
Should you be resentful, angry, and depressed about it?
You should take this opportunity and make sure the buck ends with you.
Youth led.
WE bring youth awareness on how to exercise rights in order to gain negotiating power and democratic autonomy. The outcome of 2030Militia’s actions are to provide guidance and support of net zero emissions by 2030 in the US.
A strong community and network of change-seekers that raise awareness of the critical actions that must take place to empower their peers towards a livable future.
A 2030Militia fellow in every state by the first year, and the following year, a fellow in each county.
Our Mission.
A shift in the national debate concerning the urgency of the climate crisis and how it must be seen as a national security threat to the freedoms Americans currently enjoy.
An empowered generation that feels there is a viable path to a regenerative economy that moves away from our current extractive model.