Frequently asked questions.
Why “2030”?
2030 refers to the net-zero carbon emission deadlines that must be reached before the effects of climate change snowball and can no longer be mitigated. We seek to keep the US from pushing Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept the planet stable for 10,000 years. If this is not accomplished by 2030, it will be too late. Our organization will dissolve on May 31st, 2030, with the intention of having finished its purpose.
Why “Militia”?
It is our duty to secure a free and prosperous state for our children. Rights are not given, they are exercised. Organizing our nation’s youth to protect a future for themselves and their families is an American obligation.
What do you do?
We don’t vandalize - we don’t do any damage - we don’t harm people - we are here to accumulate power, as is our right as American citizens - it is through the exercising of our rights that we are here to cultivate power and make power visible. We are not in the business of proposing specific policy changes or business practices.
We are currently recruiting young climate-conscious Americans across the US to engage their communities with an alternative message for climate action.
With each fellow comes a new community to hold accountable for 2030 deadlines. Find our scorecard here.